North Shore RDA is a voluntary, not for profit organisation providing therapeutic horse riding for people with disabilities to improve their physical, intellectual and emotional well-being.
Your donation will help with the welfare of our horses, support our wonderful Riders, Coaches and Volunteers and help us reach our goal to Reach more Riders, Change More Lives.
To make a donation via Internet Banking
Please use our Bank Account details below:
Bank: ASB
Account Name: North Shore Riding for the Disabled Inc
Account Number: 12-3087-0119656-00
Particulars: Your Name
Reference: Donation
Tax Deductible
As North Shore RDA is a registered charity, donations of $5.00 and over are tax-deductible. If you donate via credit card you will automatically receive an email with your donation receipt attached for your records.
If you donate by Internet Banking please let us know your contact details so that we can send you out your receipt.