June 2022
Welcome Friends of North Shore RDA!
Summer has been a difficult time for many, with such damaging floods. We hope that all our community of friends are safe and well.
2023! - It's a new year and a new riding term so in this edition of from the Horse's Mouth we update you on some exciting horse news, several opportunities plus current projects and the activities our team and riders have been involved in at North Shore Riding for the Disabled, so please take the time to read on .....
We exist as an organisation based purely on the wonderful generosity of our volunteers, staff, rider families and community and corporate sponsors.
To you all, we say thank you, through your kind donations we continue to strive to meet our goal - ‘Reaching More Riders – Changing More Lives’
As a final appeal for your help, we need more volunteers and we need more Horses.
If you like the idea of being outdoors, with horses, helping others, then we can provide all the training needed to get you up to speed and make a difference, in a happy, inclusive space with caring people, wonderful horses, helping others.
To find out more please visit our website or visit our Give a little page to make a donation.
Contact Philippa for more information at info@northshorerda.org