Rider Information
Term Dates 2024
Term 1 Tues 12th February to Thurs 11th April
Term 2 Mon 29th April to Thurs 4th July
Term 3 Mon 22nd July to Thurs 28th September
Term 4 Mon 14th Oct to Mon 9th December (tbc)
Session Times
Monday - 9am, 10am, 11am & 12pm
Tuesday - 9am, 10am, 11am & 12pm
Wednesday - 9am, 10am, 11am & 12pm
Thursday - 9am, 10am, 11am & 12pm
Whilst we do have a waiting list, we will endeavor to accommodate your session time preference when your child reaches the top of our waiting list
We have a weight limit of 50kg due to the weight carrying capacity of our current herd
Application to Ride Forms
In order to be placed on our waitlist, please download and complete the following form D05 Referral Request
Once you reach the top of our waitlist, all potential riders need to be signed off by a medical professional (usually your family GP, paediatrician, occupational therapist or similar) D06 Medical Consent
You can send the completed form to us via post (PO Box 448, Silverdale 0944) or email info@northshorerda.org We will confirm the arrival of your form via phone or email.
For details of our fees please contact us at info@northshorerda.org
There are a number of different organisations that you can apply to for financial assistance with paying for fees. Please refer to the attached flyer by clicking on the following
link: Help with Fees